
What is the Best Bunion Corrector

Despite their lack of effectiveness, bunion correctors have remained a popular treatment option for individuals suffering from bunion pain for many years. This, obviously, is very unfortunate. Bunion correctors are only able to provide short-term relief –– at best. Still, many people who suffer from bunion pain want to know more about bunion splints, pads, and correctors. So today we’ll answer a common FAQ, namely: what is the best bunion corrector? Though bunion correctors are not capable of reducing or reversing bunions, some patients have experienced positive results wearing a bunion splint after surgery. So post operative bunion correctors are the only form of bunion brace that offers any potential benefits at all. 

Bunion Pads, Braces, Splints, and Correctors

There are a myriad of products available to individuals suffering from bunion pain. These pads, braces, splints, and correctors typically slide over the foot and offer some level of cushion along the side of the bunion. Bunion pads that act primarily as cushions can cut down on some day-to-day bunion pain and inflammation. By preventing direct friction between a bunion and a shoe, these pads can lessen or numb pain  associated with walking or standing. 

Meanwhile, companies that sell bunion splints and correctors often allege that these devices can reverse or reduce bunions. This is not true. While a bunion corrector may space out a person’s toes or hold a person’s foot in place for a while, this alone is not sufficient to undo the damage caused by a bunion. Sadly, bunions tend to only get worse with time. And the only way to get rid of a bunion for good is to have it surgically removed.

Why Bunion Correctors Don’t Work

Bunion correctors don’t work because they don’t address the root cause of bunions. Bunions primarily form as a result of pressure placed on the foot that leads to a misalignment. Bunions come about when muscles, joints, ligaments, bones, and tendons become misaligned and the structure of the foot is compromised. Though bunions may take many years to form, they cannot be reversed by wearing an external brace. Rather, bunions can only be permanently fixed through removal and the readjustment of internal muscles, joints, tendons, bones, and ligaments. On the plus side, minimally invasive surgical techniques have made bunion surgery much more patient-friendly. Most patients who undergo minimally invasive bunion surgery are able to walk out of the operating room under their own power and resume normal daily activities almost immediately. You can learn more about this procedure here

To learn more about minimally invasive bunion surgery, download our free “Guide to Minimally Invasive Foot & Ankle Surgery”!

Post Operative Bunion Splints 

Some patients may benefit from wearing bunion splints after they undergo bunion surgery. Indeed, in this instance, bunion splints may act to break apart scar tissue, stretch tendons and ligaments, and maintain the correct alignment of the foot. For more information about the bunion surgery recovery process, you can check out our blog on the subject.

Contact Us

Bunions are annoying, painful, and, in some cases, even debilitating. They’ll only get worse with time, so the sooner you address bunion discomfort, the sooner you can get back to living your life pain free. At Northwest Surgery Center, we’re experts in the field of minimally invasive bunion surgery, and we can help you address this problem once and for all. Contact us here to learn more or to schedule a consultation today!

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    Published by
    Dr. Brant McCartan, DPM

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