There are two basic types of foot surgery.

Which would you choose?

Definition of Standards of Care Approved by the Academy of Ambulatory Foot and Ankle Surgery.

Minimally Invasive Surgery

 Anesthesia:  Local anesthesia used usually with Nitrous Oxide Analgesia.

Extent of Trauma:  Minor trauma to dermal and subcutaneous tissues. Minimal scarring. Internal fixation not required.

 Incision Size: Usually 1/4-inch incision.

 Instrumentation: Surgical burs and rasps are predominately employed for bone operations.

 Locale: Predominantly surgery center based.

Pain: Minimal if any.

Postoperative Care: Mild analgesics usually suffice.

Preoperative Laboratory Tests: Based on the patient’s medical history and the doctor’s clinical judgment. Foot x-rays are mandatory in bone surgery.

Preoperative Preparation: Aseptic technique is executed using sterile technique and attire.

Preoperative Sedation: Not necessary.

Scheduling:  Surgery can be performed any time the doctor and patient mutually agree.

 Sutures: Usually only one suture.

Infections: Low Risk

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Higher Risk Surgery

 Anesthesia: General or regional anesthesia most likely with or without narcotics.

Extent of Trauma:  Dissection procedures extensive local tissue damage at each incision site with prominent scarring. Internal fixation is frequently required and may necessitate future removal of hardware or casts.

 Incision Size:  Wound openings are larger and require closures.

 Instrumentation: Hammers, chisels, rongeurs and saws are generally utilized in conjunction with wires, pins, screws and implants for bone operations.

 Locale: Hospitalization usually required.

Postoperative Care: Narcotics often prescribed. Dry dressing usually indicated. Immobilization, i.e. casts or rigid footgear often utilized.

Preoperative Laboratory Tests:  A full gamut of laboratory tests are taken routinely. Foot x-rays are taken as well as additional x-rays which may be hospital policy.

Preoperative Preparation: Customary operating room sterile technique and attire are mandatory since the operative area is exposed to the surrounding environment.

Preoperative Sedation: Patient is most always sedated.

Scheduling: Surgery may be planned and scheduled well in advance.

 Sutures: Sutures often required.

Infections: Higher Risk

Which would you choose?

Definition of Standards of Care Approved by the Academy of Ambulatory Foot and Ankle Surgery

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