Minimally Invasive Surgery

What to Know Before Your Bunionectomy Surgery

Bunions are one of the most common orthopedic issues that one can experience, with roughly 1 in 3 adults in America estimated to experience bunions each year. Although bunions are extremely common, they can be a major hindrance to everyday life, especially when left untreated. If you are suffering from bunions, it is important to undergo bunionectomy surgery right away to treat pain and avoid further medical complications. 

What is a Bunion?

A bunion is a bony bump that can form at the base of your big toe. This deformity occurs as a result of imbalanced pressure being placed on the big toe joint over time, causing it to become misaligned. The medical term for bunions is hallux valgus.

Bunions can be caused by many factors, including:

  • Improper or Ill-Fitting Footwear

Wearing shoes that are too tight, too narrow, or otherwise uncomfortable such as shoes that are too small or high heels can place imbalance pressure on the foot, leading to complications such as bunions.

  • Other Medical Conditions

Bunions can be caused by traumatic injuries as well as medical conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Natural Foot Shape

While bunions are not genetic, they can be caused by the natural shape of one’s foot, leaving some people more susceptible to developing bunions than others. For example, those with naturally flat feet are more likely to experience bunions than those with high arches. 

While there are numerous non-surgical treatment methods for bunions that can be utilized at home, the only way to treat bunions at the source and end pain for good is by undergoing bunionectomy surgery.

Non-Surgical Bunion Treatment Methods

While there are many non-surgical, at-home treatments and remedies available for the treatment of bunions, many doctors and medical experts advise that these options only provide temporary relief for pain caused by bunions, and do not treat bunions at the source or provide long-lasting relief. These treatments include:

  • Using special medical tape to hold toes in place
  • Stretching your toes to relieve muscle pain
  • Special foot splints, braces, and shoes intended to correct bunions

And more. 

While these treatment methods can provide temporary pain relief for those suffering from bunions, bunionectomy surgery is necessary in order to completely treat bunions at the source. Bunions will not go away on their own and will worsen over time, so it is important to contact a medical professional regarding your treatment options as soon as possible when suffering from bunions.

Bunionectomy Surgery

While bunionectomy surgery has long been considered a painful procedure with a difficult recovery process, minimally invasive bunionectomy surgery from a clinic like Northwest Surgery Center is a fast, safe, and effective way to treat orthopedic issues with no pain and little to no post-operative recovery.

Minimally Invasive Bunionectomy Surgery

At Northwest Surgery Center, bunionectomy surgery is performed in one of our state-of-the-art modern surgery suites using only the latest and best surgical technology to treat painful bunions at the source. During bunionectomy surgery, a small incision is made under local anesthesia with specially designed surgical equipment. After the procedure is completed, patients will visit our designated recovery area for a short period of time before being able to walk out and drive home! Patients can expect to return to their normal daily routines immediately following surgery and should expect little to no pain in the aftermath of a minimally invasive procedure.

Contact Northwest Surgery Center

Undergoing minimally invasive bunionectomy surgery is the best way to get fast and long-lasting relief from pain while avoiding the risk of future orthopedic issues or other medical complications. Bunions cannot be treated at home, and will not go away on their own! Don’t wait – contact Northwest Surgery Center today to learn more about bunionectomy surgery and put an end to your pain once and for all. 

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    Published by
    Dr. Brant McCartan, DPM

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